Create and Edit Operators/Users

Use the Create and Edit Operators pages to manage both device operators and application users.

  1. Navigate to Inspection > Operators page.
  2. Click the appropriate action link.
    • For a new operator/user, click Create new operator.
    • For an existing operator/user, select the operator and click Edit selected operators.
    • To import or export operators from other VoiceCheck servers, select Manage Operators
  3. Complete the required fields, and click Create operator/user or Save changes.

Refer to Import Operators or Delete Operators/Users for more information on how to accomplish those tasks.

The options available under Operator Actions and Manage Operators will vary depending on if a single operator is selected, if no operator is selected, or if multiple operators are selected.

Operator Fields

Field Description
Operator ID/User Name The unique identifier of the technician using a voice device and account used to sign in to the VoiceCheck GUI.
Name The technician's name.
Password * The password required for the user to logon to the application GUI.
Force Change Password * Check this box to force a user to change their password the next time they log in.
Voice Access Code The code that the technician uses to sign on to the voice system. This is not used with Android devices.
Sign On/ Sign Off Times The date/time of the technician's latest voice sign on and voice sign off. This field is not editable and displayed only on the View Operator page.
Working Site The most recent site in which the operator worked or is working. This field shows in the Operators table and is not editable.
Roles The security roles assigned to this account that grant it a specific set of permissions in the application GUI.
Sites The sites in which a user has access.
Email Optional field for the user's email address for receiving VoiceCheck system notifications.
Notes Optional field for comments on the account.

An operator/user if that user is logged into the VoiceCheck application cannot be edited.

Import Operators

  1. Under Operator Actions, select Manage operators > Import Operators. The Manage Operator/Templates page is displayed.
  2. In the Operator ID/User Name drop-down list, Import Operators option is selected by default. However, when expanded, the list of all available operators is displayed.
  3. To import Operators, click Upload and navigate to the location where your operator ZIP file is located. Alternatively, drag and drop the ZIP file into the upload section.

Validations for Import Operators:

  1. If operator ID/User Name already exists in the VoiceCheck server, then the operator is not imported.
  2. If the file includes multiple operators (with few operators existing in the server and remaining being new operators), only the new operators are imported, and a notification message indicating that the existing operators were not imported into the server is displayed.
  3. If file includes operator details of an operator, for example, Ben while the templates are of another operator, Karen, the import will be rejected and will show a template mismatch error.
  4. If an operator is associated with Site1 and Site 2 and Site1 does not exist in the destination server, then the operator is associated only with Site 2 and a notification message is displayed indicating the same.
  5. If the operator is associated with Site1 and Site1 does not exist in the destination server, then the import is rejected.
  6. If the operator is associated with Role1 and Role1 does not exist in the VoiceCheck server, then Operator is imported and associated with the Read-Only role.
  7. If an operator is associated with Role1 and Role 2 and Role1 does not exist in the destination server, then the operator is associated only with Role 2 and a notification message is displayed indicating the same.

After you have imported the file successfully, the Operators View page is displayed with the updated operators and a corresponding User is created with the same name. One or multiple operators can be uploaded using the Import functionality.

Export Operators

  1. From the Operators section, select the operators you wish to export. Hold down the shift button if selecting more than one operator.
  2. Under Operator Actions, select Manage operators > Export selected Operators.
  3. A zip file named will be saved to your default downloads folder.

Export selected Operators is disabled when no operators are selected.

Content and format of Import/Export files

The file must be in ZIP format. The ZIP file contains the same number of folders as there are operators. For instance: if five operators are being imported or exported, the zip file would contain five folders, one for each operator.

Each folder contains:

  1. An operator.json file: this file contains operator information including operator id, name, and email along with an encrypted password and access code. Example: ben.json
  2. A zip file that includes all templates for that operator. The name of the zip file is "" (Example:
    • This zip file contains .bt2 files, which are template files for the operator
    • Format for the name of .bt2 file would be "Language_operator_vocab.bt2" (For example: %en-US%_ben_alpha.bt2)

Delete Operators/Users

Authorized users can delete operator/user accounts using the Delete selected operators action link. If an operator/user is signed in to a device running a voice application, that operator/user cannot be deleted..

Manage Operator Templates

  1. From the Operators section, select the desired operator.
  2. Under Operator Actions, select Manage operators > Manage selected operator templates. The Templates window appears.
  3. The options are:
    • Delete a single template by clicking the Delete button.
    • Delete all templates for this user by clicking the Delete All button.
    • Download all templates for this user by clicking the Download All button. The templates are downloaded to a file names "" (Example:
    • Upload templates by clicking Upload and navigating to the location where your template zip file is located. Or drag and drop the file into the upload section.